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App Development

Cross-platform and multidevice mobile applications

What does it mean develop a mobile application?

Develop mobile application means know all the different existing platforms (iOS, Android and Windows phone just to name a few) in ordere to know the differences and the commonalities existing between them with the aim to realize cross-platform applications.
Having this kind of skills is important because it allows you to respond in a proper way, with speed and professionalism to needs that go beyond the possibilities that the traditional web can offer.
The creation of a mobile application provides access to a whole range of features provided natively by smartphone and tablet operating systems, having creative solutions with an higher level of engagement.

What kind of app can be developed?

The types of applications that can be developer are very different and goes from a simple reporting application that contains text and images of events or tourist sites to very complex applications using features such as GPS and accelerometer, allowing you to create more sophisticated products.
The combined set of these features allows you to create solutions that act as support of traditional communication or solutions with innovative purposes.
Through this type of development we can in fact make products with a very high degree of involvement and interaction being able to reach the user through push notifications systems, allowing rapid and short communications to people.